Align to Succeed

Are you getting sufficient support from your management towards your project?
Are your team members supportive and cooperative in your project?
If the answer is NO for both or either of the above questions……continue to read to get an insight on how to improve support for your project.
Have you checked what is the business expectation? What is your organizational goal for this year? Is it cost reduction, process improvement, expanding the business market or what else?
Is your project in alignment with the business expectation? Is it in alignment with your organizational goal/strategy?
You need to look out for aligning the project objective to the management objective/goal. Management focus is towards their strategy and goals, if there is misalignment; naturally you repel the management support.

Moving on to your team members. Everyone are looking for “What is in it for me?” Understand what their career agenda is and how this project can enhance or enable them to reach their career agenda. When the team members are able to see a benefit, then support from them is going to be tremendous.
Keep communicating with your management (sponsor & managers) to the required extent, neither too much nor too little. 

Value their inputs towards the projects. Involve them in the project. Same is for your team members. Ensure two way communications. Your management and your team are like two wheels of your bike (project). Both the wheels are important for your bike(project) to move on(succeed).
Wish your project a success!!!

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